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Everything posted by DirtyPolo

  1. That is not very good at all indeed a valuable lesson learnt, unfortunately the hard way :( I am sorry about your situation and loss of backup data. The only cable that springs into my mind is a SATA cable, it is red/pink kind of colour, thin and slightly wide with black ends. But those would only be used in the HDD and the CD ROM Drive, and only cost a couple of £$ to buy. And from what I know they shouldn't cause a problem if damaged, the drive would just not show? plus I'm guessing they replaced the harddrive so they would have installed the cables etc.. You really have met the worst lot of rip-off techs i've ever heard of, sorry to hear about it :( As for the IE8 Beta installation, that really was uncalled for and obnoxious and rude to do all that without even telling you. Is there no "higher" people you can speak to in this company to complain and report the damage they have done to your system? Hope this situation may find a way to be resolved in your favour ahh scott beat me by a fewminutes :)
  2. well I'll check now for Gigabyte's own monitoring programs, but the other option is to buy a fan speed controller which can show you your temperatures and let you change the fan speed to keep the temperature regulated yourself.
  3. what motherboard are you running as some have their own temperature monitoring programs like Asus PC Probe, they are quite accurate.
  4. okay well, try the unplugging everything idea and then get back to us with the results, thanks :)
  5. Okay cheers, Yeah scott, I saw that cable on ebuyer and I'm off to order it when I get home tomorrow, total of £6 delivered too, whereas in my local cheap PC shop it's £24 Thanks guys
  6. Okay, glad to help and advise on anything you need :P
  7. Hello Jonn, are you runnig windows XP SP3? If so, it seems that this maybe a registry problem, but I am not sure how to correct it without a repair installation as it wont let you boot in any mode. I'll try find out all I can for you and in the meantime if anyone else can shed some more light on your problem, please do as I'm quite busy at the moment but I'll do what I can to help and find out information. It also seems ot be a device problem for others, If you can, unplug all unneeded peripherals so that all you have in mouse, keyboard and monitor, and then try start up and see what happens, Another question, do you have a Linksys USB Network Adapter or anything similar installed?
  8. Your memory is fine, and as for your GPU, I would recommend an ATI HD 4850x2 or a HD4870 if you want serious graphics power in your machine. The single 4850 can cope well and easily with all of todays latest games and the ones coming out in the future. You can get the 4850 for around £108 cheapest from scan.co.uk or ebuyer. But as your budget streches as far as £300, you can easily afford the 4870 and even the 4870x2 if you really thought you'd need the ultimate graphics card for about £400.
  9. Hello Diurno, Yes your moptherboard WILL supporta n Nvidia GPU, when it states "crossfire", it just means that it will support two or more ATI GPU's running in sync with ATI's Crossfire technology. So yes, it will support Nvidia but not if you intend to use 2 or more in "SLI" I'll leave the rest for Dalo to sort you out with if he gets on before I can again :), just thought I'd let you know that. Aslo as for CPU, the Q6600 is a very good CPU and is very reliable even now, so unless you majorly want to or need to change it, the Q6600 will take any new products on the market now.
  10. okay, glad that you found a cheaper alternative :P If you ever need any more help with anything else, you know where we are
  11. AH yes, sorry, I meant to give you the command "control" on it's own. And that command doesn't exist in XP Randy, well not on my machine anyway :P I'll try find the XP one now, but if I cant "control" without the quotes will get you to the control panel. EDIT: Randy, that exe name is correct but for some reason, maybe just in XP you have to put the whole file path or it will not work, so if you with to go straight into the restore procedure menu type in "C:\windows\system32\restore\rstrui.exe" without the quotes.
  12. You should be able to just click on "View" then "choose Details" and then tick the name and whatever details you wish to see, but I do agree that is weird, Maybe if you go to View then Refresh once it goes like that and see if it changes back?
  13. Have you done as Kelly suggested? If it is a problem with your RAM then that will be worth checking. You have 4GB, if that is 4x1GB sticks, take 3 out and try booting up on 1, and then shut down and swap to the next stick, and so on until one of them doesnt work, same if you have 2x2GB sticks. but only try this once you have windows installed lol. Let us now how you get on :)
  14. Hey james, about your heatsink, I'm guessing you are using the standard heatsink for your processor, that is fine if you do not wish to overclock your system. Just make sure that the pins are rotated the correct way before pushing them into the mobo, I also had this problem with my Arctic cooling heatsink lol, I rotated the pins the wrong way and it never fitted in until I turned them round and it went in like a dream! :) Just check with the instructions and the pins, as the instructions may say rotate them clockwise but the arrows ion the pins themselves point anti clockwise, showing the way tot urn them to take the heatsink OUT, thats the mistake I made :P Followed the pins not the instructions.
  15. Hey james, you'e not having much luck with this build :P But don't worry, every build is different and each is a new learning curve for everyone! I would say the same as Goku that it is a hardware problem as you have just built it and unless you can download enough malware to harm your system in the few minutes between your posts then yeah :P Just to put your mind at rest about your windows CD, I'm guessing you bought OEM Vista, which means it doesn't need a big fancy case as it's not meant to go to a public consumer :P So don't worry about that. As for your problem, How often does it happen? Could you post us your PC spec please aswell, CPU, Motherboard, GPU, PSU, the works please :P And don't let it get to you, it will be a great christmas present when you've got it working :P trust me :D Every pc builder gets their problems but if you buy them in a store, all that happens behind the scenes before it gets to you :P
  16. No problem, glad to help :P I made the EXACT same mistake when building mine :P so you're not alone.
  17. Nice find Nev, I saw a similar attack on another well used site not too long ago, cant remember what it is right now, I'll search around for news on that too just out of my own interest.
  18. Hello fsyozabil, Open task manager, then click on File > New Task (Run...) > Type in "control sysdm.cpl" [without Quotes] This will take you directly to the system properties window in one go! Hope it works, come back and let us know how you get on with the restore!
  19. We are always glad to help, I'm sure everyone that put time and effort into helping you will be glad that it got sorted :) And a Merry Christmas to you too!
  20. Yes 3.0.5 is the latest version at the moment. Weird that it should crash though. Let's hope it stays up from now on :P
  21. Is there any difference between using either a HDMI to DVI adapter, or a cable? Some say there is a quality difference and that it's best to use a cable but is that true? If I used an adapter instead would it lower the quality? :S
  22. Just to let you guys know, It seems that this is a common problem with the speakers that I have got and logitech will happily take them back and replace them upon proof of purchase :P I might do that after xmas as I dont want to be a week or two without sound!
  23. Just to let you guys know, It seems that this is a common problem with the speakers that I have got and logitech will happily take them back and replace them upon proof of purchase :P I might do that after xmas as I dont want to be a week or two without sound!
  24. Hey James, funnily enough when building my PC I had the exact same problem, what is the model of your motherboard, so that I can find a picture so that it is easier to explain what I would like you to check and try. thanks. If you know what to look for yourself, and then check you have connected the P4 connector from your PSU to your motherboard and that your PCI E cable from your PSU is plugged into your graphics card.
  25. Okay well for a temporary fix, when you load up, open task manager then go to "file" then "new task (run)" I believe, then in the box type "explorer.exe" minus the quotes and press enter, then it should manually start, use this as a temporary fix until we can solve it for you :)
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