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Everything posted by BeeCeeBee

  1. Gavin, There really are only 2 solutions: 1. Buy or download some dodgy software and hope it or you don't mess things up, or 2. Buy a portable hard drive and store whatever you want kept private on it. A shared PC is a shared PC and never really safe from other users.
  2. Hi Maggiemay, A great Song!! Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help!! :)
  3. Sorry I did not mean for you to use the disc drive. I want you to try to use the external drives that you purchased (the sticks.) If they are recognized by My Computer in safe mode (regardless of what drive letter they are assigned) you should be able to drag your documents onto them.
  4. I know that you are having difficulties saving your files so that you can move on. I want you to try the same thing with your E drive but in "Safe Mode" The way you do that is shut down and reboot or restart your computer and as soon as it starts before any windows screen appears start tapping on F8. I f it goes into normal windows, try again. You will get a black screen with a choice of start up options. Select safe mode or safe mode with network and let that load. It will look strange and everything will be larger but what you need to use will work for you. Safe mode will only load essential drivers so that it is likely that whatever is effecting you may not even load. Now see if the computer will recognize your E drive (or F) and if so move your file there and get back to us.
  5. Firmex what exactly is going on? You have just copied Wolfeymole's post. Did you intend to say something?
  6. Do you know what downloaded and installed? Go to your control panel and open System. Click on Hardware and then device manager. Take a look at the network connections. Is there a yellow triangle at your wireless device. Is the driver information (version) the same as what you have just downloaded?
  7. Glad to see this solved devlin,:) Tootech will be equally pleased when he read your post.
  8. Hello Dean We have a specific rule which prohibits our getting involved in password issues. This appears a good time to explain "the why" behind the rule for you and others. We are not the PC Police and often get annoyed at certain password and license restrictions. We know that some are simply unfair. To me this is one of those times. While in one respect this is no different then someone who needs to install a new hard drive on a legal Windows PC. (something that we would certainly help with.) It still remains a password issue. It is probably closer to an example from the other day where a member had a legal System and was trying to install a new motherboard that had a password protected BIOS. We could not help him either. While for some this may be a moral or legal issue, the fact remains that we are not big enough to fight major manufacturers or software providers should they try to go after us for helping people violate their patents or copyrights. I know there are some forums that seem to exist for the pure pleasure of helping people "beat the system," but that is not what Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help is all about. Unfortunately there seems to be no reason to keep this thread open.
  9. It takes no more time to restore to the suggested point then it did to the one you chose. What does patience have to do with it. Considering that you are also getting BSODs and refer to yourself as PC Illiterate it may be a good idea to pay attention to people like Wolfey who may know a tad more.
  10. :mad: No more autographed pictures for you Goku. When my fans ask about you I am just going to have to tell them that you are a fictional character!
  11. :humble:That is far different. Such individual would be made an honorary administrator and have his/her picture on the home page alongside mine.
  12. That's great. We have to get it to stop doing that but get the backup first. I really would not trust the sticks for any long term storage and portable hard drives have really come down in price. Unless you are a big user I would not be talked into paying extra for a large capacity HD. Mine is only 180GB (considered small) and it will be a long time before it is even close to full.
  13. That does seem a bit odd, 10GB should register. Let it sit and one of the guys who really know hardware will pick up on it I'm sure. Check back in the morning and there is a good chance you will find an answer.
  14. Well it does make a bit more sense put that way. I assume you are just checking properties for the disc in My Computer. What happens to the reading if you stop the drive, remove it and then reinsert it into the computer? How about on a reboot?
  15. is this a trick question? Is anything missing from the hard drive that should be there? 368GB is a lot of data.
  16. If you downloaded a subscription Antivirus account you most likely supplied the password yourself when you purchased or subscribed to it. What AV program do you use? Most likely there is nothing sinister going on.
  17. I would suggest a portable hard drive but a memory stick, flash drive or thumb drive will do for now just make sure that your documents are safely backed up before you start moving them around. A portable drive is about the size of a wallet and far greater capacity then any stick. They are also far more versatile. CDs and DVDs are fine but not if burning is unreliable. Have you tried to save a new document yet? Where does it wind up?
  18. We are going to have to get you set up properly now that we found the little critters. If you have any portable storage (big enough memory stick, blank dvds or better yet a portable hard drive) I would backup all my data. I am convinced that there was another account and it was corrupted or removed when you suffered your malware attack. My recent documents does not discriminate but get them into My Documents asap
  19. gjupp you are making certain assumptions that just dont hold up to scrutiny. The main assumption is that you actually have a problem. In order to make that assumption you have to assume that the adapter is fine and that the use of a usb mouse with an adapter should always work. Neither of those things should be assumed and are often simply not true. Adapters and mice do not always get on well together and adapters are often cheap and faulty. If you are intent on using a dedicated PS/2 mouse you really should buy one and try it out. If it doesn't work then maybe you have an issue to be sorted.
  20. gjupp you are making certain assumptions that just dont hold up to scrutiny. The main assumption is that you actually have a problem. In order to make that assumption you have to assume that the adapter is fine and that the use of a usb mouse with an adapter should always work. Neither of those things should be assumed and are often simply not true. Adapters and mice do not always get on well together and adapters are often cheap and faulty. If you are intent on using a dedicated PS/2 mouse you really should buy one and try it out. If it doesn't work then maybe you have an issue to be sorted.
  21. Java is simply a language developed by Sun Microsystems. There are a great many sites on the internet that make use of java for their applets etc and will not function on your PC if you are not able to read and run scripts using java. You can get rid of it but you will only be prompted to download it again the next time you try to use one of these sites. Many interactive sites use it, newspaper crosswords is an example that comes to mind. It is perfectly safe and presents no drain on your resources. There is no logical reason to remove it.
  22. :D Yes Goku a far more satisfactory result that way. Good outside the box thinking!!!
  23. Effective immediately anyone who uses the name WOLFEYMOLE in the title to any thread seeking actual help shall be either turned over to pirates or taken out and shot. The choice shall be at the discretion of the moderator. Are we all clear on this!!:D
  24. Effective immediately anyone who uses the name WOLFEYMOLE in the title to any thread seeking actual help shall be either turned over to pirates or taken out and shot. The choice shall be at the discretion of the moderator. Are we all clear on this!!:D
  25. Hi Steady we need to know exactly what happened. Did you do all of the malware program and what were the results? What exactly are you seeing when you try to boot up?
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