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Everything posted by BeeCeeBee

  1. When you get the "save as" window does tell you where it is saving your files at the top. Usually when you save a file the save-as will try to save it to the same place as the last file of that type was saved. This is easily corrected by simply changing the destination path (for example desktop, or my documents or a folder within my documents.)
  2. I am not sure that there is a patch as yet. I suggest you read the following: IE zero-day attack surface expands | Zero Day | ZDNet.com This post is being merged into a previous browser post on the issue.
  3. I suggest that this tread is solved and should be closed.
  4. I suggest that this tread is solved and should be closed.
  5. Hi Gav, Your post presents a real problem for us here at Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. For obvious reasons we have a very specific rule about helping anyone with password issues. Rule 5 Computer Support PC Help Forums and Computer Help – Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.co.uk We are aware that many if not most bios' do not require passwords but, unfortunately, yours does. This is a public forum where anyone can review any thread. Therefore, regardless of the fact that we judge you to be sincere in all respects we must decline any further help in this matter.
  6. Hi Gav, Your post presents a real problem for us here at Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. For obvious reasons we have a very specific rule about helping anyone with password issues. Rule 5 Computer Support PC Help Forums and Computer Help – Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.co.uk We are aware that many if not most bios' do not require passwords but, unfortunately, yours does. This is a public forum where anyone can review any thread. Therefore, regardless of the fact that we judge you to be sincere in all respects we must decline any further help in this matter.
  7. I happen to have a Toshiba laptop and the software is simply called "Product Recovery DVD-ROM" from looking at the disc you would not even be able to tell that it contains windows but it does. If you have that disc and the label on the bottom of the Laptop (Not on the disc) that is all you will ever get from Toshiba.
  8. The fact that you hear a clicking sound at the same time as the lappy starts to go pear shaped is a pretty good indication that the hard drive is simply broken. (not a very technical term but probably true.) Just watch this space and see if someone comes up with something otherwise perhaps a letter to Santa Clause. Sorry not really funny if it is your problem.
  9. The fact that you hear a clicking sound at the same time as the lappy starts to go pear shaped is a pretty good indication that the hard drive is simply broken. (not a very technical term but probably true.) Just watch this space and see if someone comes up with something otherwise perhaps a letter to Santa Clause. Sorry not really funny if it is your problem.
  10. The Dell disc will only work on the Dell using the key on the label for that laptop assuming it is the right Dell disc. You will be unable to install that onto the Toshiba at all. There is no getting around that.
  11. Hunkyzombie there are people on here that know a lot more than I do and hopefully there is a solution BUT I still believe that you are in trouble with that hard drive and that there is a good chance that it may need replacing. Whether I am right or wrong I can only repeat what I said about being sure you have backed up your data to another medium.
  12. Can you still get to my documents at all? If so are the files you saved prior to this problem still there? Have you tried a search for the files that you were trying to save?
  13. The clicking sound that you hear sounds very much like a physical problem with your hard drive. Before you do to much more investigating make sure you have a good reliable backup.
  14. The man to look for is Dalo Harkin, he is one of our Super Moderators and a build expert.
  15. Just received this link from RandyL suggest that everyone who uses IE7 give it a good read! IE zero-day attack surface expands | Zero Day | ZDNet.com
  16. I was coming home from the airport today having been out of touch for a while and heard a warning delivered over the radio in Ireland warning people not to use IE7 and switch to another browser until Microsoft clears up a serious security breech. I admit that I was half asleep at the time but it seems important enough to at least alert our members to the possibility of a serious problem. According to the report I heard Microsoft has acknowledged the problem.
  17. The van is all yours Neville, you clearly need it more then me!!!!!
  18. I licked a birdbath because the voices told me to. I don't see how that is different from my normal daily activities but if you think it is funny then it must be. Ok gotta go they are coming for me now.
  19. Your question deals with antivirus reporting as out of date or not running. This is not going to improve by uninstalling them. Which, if any, did you reinstall and what is it telling you?
  20. Are you saying that if you leave the drive attached and reboot the computer the data on your portable drive is gone?
  21. Hi Grandad, Can you ask her to go to tools in Outlook express and then the send tab and see what is ticked.
  22. I get the exact same message almost every time I try to remove my external hard drive using the safely remove hardware function. For some reason it also identifies the single drive as both generic and by its name. Saying that, unless the disc is obviously being accessed by a running program, if I wait a few seconds and try again and it always come up as safe to remove. Frankly, I think it just errs in favour of caution or more likely that disc was being monitored and the first attempt acts to shut down that process. Whatever the actual reason it has never caused any problem and the need to stop it twice has never taken longer then 10 seconds
  23. Yes, and ...........? Your Point? ;)
  24. Hi New, Are you getting this message anywhere other then one particular site? This may be nothing more than a malicious intent to either induce you to purchase some useless software or, even worse, cause in infection itself. You may have been trying to reach a legitimate site that has been hijacked. If you have no other problems I would suggest that you simply stay away from the site in question and never click on any links suggested. If you are having general difficulties while browsing you should let us know and we will direct you on how best to rid your PC of any malware that may have found its way in.
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