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Everything posted by KenB

  1. Hi Steph and welcome to ExTS “Start” > “Control Panel” > “Network and Internet” > “Network and Sharing Center”. On the left pane, click “Manage Wireless Networks”. Your network should be there. Double left click on it > Wireless Properties > Security make a note of what the original settings are. If your router security is WPA2 then set this to WPA2 - Personal Encryption Type - should be AES.
  2. Hi, Options are getting fewer. Take the RAM modules out. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://cache.technibble.com/articlecontent/install-laptop-ram/install-laptop-ram-3.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.technibble.com/how-to-install-laptop-ram/&usg=__4D5xbfeDZPZzDs-rvH6v1uL9FIw=&h=300&w=400&sz=33&hl=en&start=3&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbnid=hLTlsQVLgzHmfM:&tbnh=93&tbnw=124&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dlaptop%2Bram%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&ei=SvslTp23K9OJhQfuyqCOCg They will be found under a panel in the base of the machine. Switch on. It will not boot - but does it do anything differently? Switch off. Put just one module back - and try booting again. If this is no go - swap the RAM modules over and try the other one. If one of the modules has a problem it often stops the machine from booting.
  3. You have tried the Start-up Repair. It will not boot up in Safe Mode. Last Known Good Configuration does not complete - so no boot up. You do not have an installation disk or a Recovery Disk. Please confirm that all of the above are true. ============================ You may have a recovery partition. Try tapping F10 after switching on. See here: http://genesis.sony-europe.com/instranet/ccil_sony/selfservice/index.jsp?DocId=35564&l=en_GB&m=VAIO Be aware - you will loose data. This will restore the system to how it was when you bought it. If you need to recover data DO NOT use the recovery partition - let us know which way you want to go.
  4. Hi, Thanks for changing your avatar - it would have been annoying to other members. Your system specs are here: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c02155398&cc=us&dlc=en&lc=en&jumpid=reg_R1002_USEN Your motherboard has one PCIe x16 slot. What the specs don't say is - if the PCIe x16 is PCIe 1.1 / 2.0 / 2.1 If I have the correct system .... It gives the production date as 28 April 2010 - which should have PCIe 2.1 architecture. Motherboard specs here: http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?objectID=c02458055 How old is your machine?
  5. I see you have a sense of humour. For anybody reading this ALT + F4 will close down your browser. It is an immature "trick" used on gaming forums. It is also very annoying. I will answer your question when the avatar has gone.
  6. Also feel free to remove your Avatar. You may wish to see my post with your other thread.
  7. Do you get any sign of life at all? LEDs / Fan / Hard drive noise ? Answer this with the Battery alone and The mains adapter alone.
  8. Switch on > constantly tap F8 ( about once per second ) > Select "Last Known Good Configuration" from the list of options.
  9. Hi and welcome to ExTS Start > type in ....devmgmt.msc.....ENTER Right click on Mice and other Pointing Devices You will have something there that indicates the touchpad Right click on this > Uninstall Shut down normally. Boot up again - Windows will re-install the drivers for your touchpad.
  10. Hi and welcome to ExTS What are you hoping / trying to do?
  11. If you have XP Pro ....... If you can borrow an XP Pro disk from somebody it is possible to use this to attempt to repair your OS ( If this is the problem ). You would need to use the Product Code from your PC ( not the borrowed one ). Alternatively if you can get hold of a hard drive to USB adapter or a caddy ( they are not too expensive ) you could connect your hard drive up to another machine and run some tests on the drive and also access your data to back it up ( assuming that your dirive is OK ). There is a third option - and this is to use UBUNTU ( a cd based operating system ) to access your files to recover them. Let us know which option you want to try - if any. Your options are limited now as laptops are so difficult to work on.
  12. Hi nasher, Sorry - it appears that you are correct. I have just had a quick look and there is no option to select a drive - only folders. Put the drive back and take a look at post #15
  13. http://englishcommunicationcourse.wikispaces.com/file/view/thumbs_up_smiley.gif.jpeg/194471746/thumbs_up_smiley.gif.jpeg
  14. Hi, Download CCleaner to the second machine and connect the 250GB drive via the caddy. (See post 11 ) Run CCleaner using the default settings. (you may need to select the drive - could be E:\ ) DO NOT use the registry option. Put the 250GB drive back in the original machine. Try booting. If you still have the same problem disconnect the DVD CD ROM data cable from the motherboard and disconnect the power to it. If you have a floppy drive do the same with this. Do not put the slave drive back in. Disconnect the printer and any other external devices. Try booting now. If you still have the same problem take the RAM out - clean the contacts with a pencil eraser - and put JUST ONE module back. Try now. If you still get the same problem swap the RAM over and try with the other one.
  15. Try taking the RAM out. The modules are located underneath a removable panel in the base of the machine. Put just one back and try booting up. If this fails - try the other one. If this is a driver issue you should be able to boot up in Safe Mode. Are you saying that you cannot even get to the Safe Mode option ?
  16. Hi and welcome to ExTS Switch on and constantly tap F8 (about once per second ). Hopefully you will be presented with the Advanced Startup Options If you can get this far try "Last Known Good Configuration". If this fails try Safe Mode from the same list of options. =============== You can also try taking the battery out and running on adapter power only. or Run on battery only.
  17. Hi and welcome to ExTS Switch on and constantly tap F8 (about once per second). You should get to the Advanced Startup Options. From here select "Last Known Good Configuration" If that does't fix it - can you boot up in Safe Mode ( from the same list ) ? Assuming XP: With XP it is possible to do a Repair Install of the OS. This does not (normally) affect your files and data. Do you have the original XP installation disk?
  18. Hi thanks for all of that information - it helps a lot. We will try a couple of things at a time. 1. Right click on the monitor symbol. There should be an option to "Repair" - try this. Let me know what it says if the repair fails. 2. Right click on the monitor symbol. There should be an option to "Connect to a Network" Can you see your network listed? If so click on it and attempt to connect. You will need the network key if it is security enabled network. The drivers for your machine are here: (if we need them) http://support.vaio.sony.eu/computing/vaio/downloads/updates/index.aspx?m=VGN-NR21J/S&l=en_GB LAN-Express AS IEEE 802.11g PCI-E Adapter - this is your wireless adapter The other is your Ethernet adapter. If there are no yellow exclamation marks or red Xs next to these the drivers should be OK. If you have tried both cable and wireless then it is unlikely to be a card issue as they are 2 different cards. You have tried both ?
  19. If this was UK based then you still have the same rights. This may prove useful: http://www.dell.com/content/topics/global.aspx/policy/en/policy?c=us&l=en&s=gen&~section=010
  20. Hi nasher, If you can access the drive without it sticking then it looks as if the drive itself is OK. If the drive is constantly running you could have an application or malware running in the background. Download MBAM to the other computer and connect your drive in the caddy. http://www.malwarebytes.org/ Click on "Products" - you want the free version. After installing select "Full Scan" From here you can select your hard drive letter ( Possibly E:\ ) The scan will take some time to complete. If anything is found post the log here.
  21. Glad to hear that you are up and running again. You need to check out the other yellow exclamation marks and d/l the drivers for them too. Good Luck
  22. Hi and welcome to ExTS I must state that I am no expert on the legalities of warranties. If it refused to boot up from taking it out of the box then it is not fit for purpose. As far as I am aware - you are entitled to a replacement. Repair should not be an option because it was sold to you "not working". You expect a working computer if this is what you have exchanged your money for. If it is not working out of the box - it is not a computer! Did you buy this direct from Dell or from a Supplier ? If you bought it from a supplier then they are responsible for the replacement as your contract ( i.e. they are selling a pc and you exchange money for it ) is with them. If this is the case - phone the firm > explain that it never worked and you have been trying to get Dell to replace it. Explain that you now know it is their responsibility and you would like a replacement. Be sure of your rights. Contact the local Citizens Advice Bureau. You may find this useful. http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/shopping/consumer-rights-refunds-exchange You have had the machine for longer than a month so a refund may be out of the question. However, the firm must prove that the pc was NOT faulty when you bought it. They will have a job doing this - unless they demonstrated it to you. A small claims court is ( apparently ) easy to take a firm to. In your case - I can see no way that you could lose. They would, I am sure, resolve the problem to your satisfaction if threatened with this. If you are going to threaten this - you must be prepared to go through with it.
  23. Hi and welcome to ExTS. You say you sound dim - I had to look up what Sim 3 was :) You must have some sort of Graphics "Card" - otherwise you would see nothing on screen at all. XP System Requirements for the game ( from the game web-site ) 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent 1 GB RAM 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 The latest version of DirectX 9.0c Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 At least 6.1 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of additional space for custom content and saved games Lets check one or two things: Start > Run ...type in .....winver......ENTER This should tell you 1. How much RAM you have 2. Which Service Pack you have ( SP1 / SP2 / SP3 ) ================ Start > My Computer > Right Click on C:\ > Properties What size is the Hard Drive ( in GB please ) How much free space ( in GB please ) ================ Start > Run ...type in .......devmgmt.msc.......ENTER Click the + next to Display Adapters Please post here what is written. Also - Are there any yellow exclamation marks or red Xs ? ================ Please post all details listed above. RAM / SP 2 / SP3 ? / Hard drive size / free space etc etc. Lets see what this gives us for starters :)
  24. Hi, From your first post vgn-bx195vp is the model number. (Thanks to a bit of research by Starbuck :) ) The drivers for your machine are here: http://support.vaio.sony.eu/computing/vaio/downloads/updates/index.aspx?m=VGN-BX195VP&l=en_GB Scroll down to Intel Wireless LAN Driver Save this to a memory stick. Put the memory stick in the problem pc - locate the download and click on INDWLL-01035420-UN.exe to install the drivers. You may need to re-boot. Try the connection now.
  25. Hi Nasher, Sorry - I must have missed this last post. If you can download CCleaner from here we can try running that too: http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner Click on the green d/l button on the right. Use the defaults and DO NOT use the Registry option.
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