Hi old tymer
It's not as bad as it looks, I do totally agree with Maynard (In fact as yet I haven't had cause to disagree with any of his advice) that your problem is Spyware and Malware related.
although the procedure may look long and complicated, its Basically, Download,Install,Set up and scan.
the scan bit taking the longest, and not requiring your full attention, Hey chance to nip down the pub or watch TV, ;)
and on Step 4 with the Eset scan, I like to do that over night so I can do step five in the morning ;)
but by tomorrow morning or tonight if you start now you should be back upto speed :)
personally I would forget about AVG 8 Free addition, and If you could find out or tell us if your Norton licence/Registration has expired or not? we can advise you on what software you are best to use prevent this problem again
p.s. Regcure and Stopzilla I wouldn't have wasted my money, but that's why I do this for free, as I don't agree with companys charging people for what they could quite simply do at home with some simple instructions.