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Everything posted by Match

  1. hmmm what impedance and watt rating is the car speakers and what output does the 2.1 speaker system have, impedance and watts? Have done similar in the past and got it wrong 3w at 4 ohms amp output into 16w 8ohm speakers, worked but was very quite!!
  2. Hi Noel what PC do you have Make and Model, chances are if it's quite new it may have a recovery partition with the legitimate operating system on.
  3. How about cookies? some sites use them to authenticate you when you log in have you got accept cookies ticked?
  4. lol this sounds like they have formatted the disk, do you get a black screen and a 'C:\' prompt? the other thing they may have done is change the boot drive in the Bios, do you know how to check for that first?
  5. Hi Stupo The choice is yours but I have 4gig corsair RAM 4 X 1gig sticks and had to change my voltages from 1.85v to 2v, and after having a look around it would seem that is about right, for using 4 slots some recommend 1.9v others 2v also do you know the Latency timings for the RAM should ether be 4 numbers ie or just one number? and what they are set at in your Bios?
  6. Kids and PC's interesting Mix, They can ether astound you in what they can do with them or stop them working :) anyhow Nice to meet you Jill and hope you feel welcome and we can help you out :)
  7. Hi Pam sounds to me that if you are right about the noise being fan related you have a Heat problem, do you know how to open the case and check for dust, and if need be replace the fan? the other thing to consider is that running a PC that is overheating can cause permanent damage to components.
  8. Hi Raj First thing to check is to open firefox and press click Tools then Options then in the pop up window click the Security Tab. Under Passwords you should have a tick Box for remember my password for sites check that and get back to us
  9. Hi Matt and Welcome I take it your here to help more than receive help. ;) hope you stick around and like what you see :)
  10. In THIS post GOKU links you (Left Click on the red writing), to a set of instructions on how to do an XP repair install. top of the page it reads: Warning #1 Warning #2 Warning #3 Skip to Repair Install <- Left click here and follow these instructions Submitted fixes Additional Links now if you left click on the blue writing that says 'Skip to Repair Install' and follow the instructions, then let us know what happens.
  11. well a little plan I have, after I get Married next month, and then after the to be Wife stops spending my Money :( is to link the two PC's I have into a little 4 way mixing deck along with the TV, then to a 200W AMP, then to some Nice speakers, problem is that it would only be in stereo, but in saying that, I don't really watch TV :) so surround ain't that important to me.
  12. Whats plan two? get a mixing deck, a 1000W AMP and some Bigger speakers ;)
  13. NO!!! If you have an authentic XP disk then that copy of XP will be registered to your machine and your machine only, For the reason above this would not have worked on your friends PC other than to do what your trying to do. Talking of which are you following the steps listed under 'Skip to Repair Install'
  14. No! Suppose you would like an explanation? First problem the signal from the back of you pc is not AMPLIFIED, You Need an AMP. Second problem is the speakers Impedance 4,8 Ohms needs to be matched with what ever AMP you use.
  15. Hi millyboyz Not if it is an authentic copy, yes you may have to spend a couple of days updating after a install, but thats life with Microsoft, I use vista and had to install 100+ updates I suggest you try using THIS method and let us know how you get on :)
  16. Well after reading that, now I have stopped laughing. In my opinion Rick Broida should consider joining a monastery and running for pope, Boring!! not normal mate you need help get a life yea right so you don't use Security software, sure you mean your a naive fool, and don't use third party security software. and after all is said and done I have a processor running a 3Ghz, 4gig RAM and pc tools internet security registered free for 12 months, a) It don't slow my system down so that I notice or bothers me b) It's Free anyway. c) I think Rick Broida's a CENSORED
  17. Hi Catfish Feel free to join in where you can, and in return well see if we can't help you out when we can :)
  18. Hi Lauris If you tell us why you need windows XP we might be able to be of more help. It is quite common for Manufacturers now days not to ship disks with machines but instead have a recovery partition on the hard drive of the machine. but to help with this we would need to know the make and model of the machine. other than that to download a copy of XP would mean that it is normally a pirated copy that has been altered by a qualified programmer, now I'm not saying you don't get nice one's, but in reality why would someone who has spent years obtaining a phd at university, want to give their knowledge away. in short if you can by pass Microsoft activation software you can do anything, like plant a virus to transmit what ever you want to where ever you want, and if it were in the operating system then there is no software that would find it.
  19. Hi old tymer It's not as bad as it looks, I do totally agree with Maynard (In fact as yet I haven't had cause to disagree with any of his advice) that your problem is Spyware and Malware related. although the procedure may look long and complicated, its Basically, Download,Install,Set up and scan. the scan bit taking the longest, and not requiring your full attention, Hey chance to nip down the pub or watch TV, ;) and on Step 4 with the Eset scan, I like to do that over night so I can do step five in the morning ;) but by tomorrow morning or tonight if you start now you should be back upto speed :) personally I would forget about AVG 8 Free addition, and If you could find out or tell us if your Norton licence/Registration has expired or not? we can advise you on what software you are best to use prevent this problem again p.s. Regcure and Stopzilla I wouldn't have wasted my money, but that's why I do this for free, as I don't agree with companys charging people for what they could quite simply do at home with some simple instructions.
  20. Hello and Welcome
  21. Hi Lek to save messing about try reading THIS and if that don't work try THIS Basically the first one tells you how to do a system restore, in various ways. the second tells you how to do a Factory reset from the recovery partition, however as the page says all data will be lost!!! Hope this helps :)
  22. Hi Honeybadger we can help you with computer problems, other than that were just as crazy as the rest and in need of help ourselves
  23. Best way to learn I find, trouble is it might be years before you have to again :) ask her to join FPCH we could do with people that know what they are doing ;) It actually surprises me how many unsecured home networks there are, quite scary when you consider the nature of information that people keep on their computers now days. But anyway glad your all sorted out now, and glad we were of some help :D
  24. OK Thanks for that Wolfeymole. we all have to learn some way or another, just this time I was right and had I been wrong then I would have stood in a just been educated position. and I am sure that their are a lot of members who thought similar to you :) but to be honest I did go and check/research that I was right before posting :)
  25. Thanks for that Randy :D, (Note to one's self: widen doorways to get ego through)
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