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Everything posted by Match

  1. Hi Tony and welcome should you give in and throw your PC out of the window could I ask that first you open the window, and second if possible make sure my ex-wife is standing below the window, at least that way your pc will have served some use, :eek:
  2. Explanation as to why IDE HDD Transfer rate 100Mb/s upto 130Mb/s IDE Optical drive Transfer Rate 16.67MB/s less than 1/5 not significant ? you can provide proof to the contrary I'll apologise for this post and remove it.
  3. Not really :) thing is if you have a dvd drive linked in to the same ribbon as a hard drive, then the data transfer rate is set to that, of the slowest device. which will be the DVD drive. :( so it should work but will be slow :( not the best way to have a usable Hard drive, so I would recommend ether getting the files of the hard drive and taking it out or what might be a better option would be to upgrade to a SATA DVD R/W, and free up the IDE port for the second drive.
  4. what Antivirus software are you using, and have you tried updating and doing a full scan? and may I suggest downloading Malwarebytes.org and using it to scan your system. I think we should rule out software problems before we start looking at component failure, and as you are having problems doing a system restore I am tending to think you have a Virus infection. that is preventing it.
  5. Hi Blair hope you don't mind but I edited your post to make it a little easier to Read and understand :) Did anything happen yesterday just before it stopped working, any software/Antivirus Updates or did you install any new software?
  6. Hi Blair and Welcome Another American hope you stay around, and join in the community, we need more American/Australian members to keep the forum active while were asleep (UK) I used to do a bit of cross stitch but now I have young children and no time :)
  7. Glad to have helped, and to have you back up to speed :D
  8. Hmmm HP model 1250 was not much use :( but in my search I found THIS :) which hopefully will enable you to give us a little more information :D
  9. Hi Stupo Take a look at THIS an a IDE cable looks like THIS an a IDE Drive looks like THIS an a SATA cable looks like THIS an a SATA Drive looks like THIS now if you can tell us what you have installed already and what you want to put in we will tell you if you can do it :) and how to :D
  10. Hi Stupo, I think that it will probably be a voltages in Bios problem, but unfortunately I would not feel comfortable advising you in what they ideally should be. however if you can be patent I'm sure someone will be along who can advise confidently
  11. Hi and Welcome Glad you are here and hope we can teach you a few tricks :)
  12. Happy Easter http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww93/Match2768/Smiles/chick03.gif
  13. Hello and welcome
  14. Hi and welcome Doddy Nice to see you have posted in some of the threads :D
  15. Hi Cas Firefox:) a) its more secure when on secure site's b) Its more custamisable than IE will ever be, take a look HERE
  16. Hi Cas First off if I understood you right, is outlook express works OK? for retrieving your mail ? problem is when you try to log in with a browser Internet explorer/firefox?
  17. Glad to have helped you and cheated PC world and alike out of there extortionate charges for something you can do your self :D should I really say that after I sent them my CV? who cares they need people that know what they are talking about :D
  18. Hi what Dalo means is to get a CPU that fits into a AM2 socket, Like THIS one, and then use the components he listed in an earlier post. this post
  19. I was going to sit down and explain it all but then though has someone some where already done that and the computer says YES HERE
  20. You could always try a Photo editing application adobe photoshop used to be good and you can have a free trial ;)
  21. I'm sorry if this post classes as Spam but last night about 4, 4:30pm I ordered 2gig of RAM 21hrs later I was holding aforementioned RAM I would just like to say A Big THANK YOU to Scan Micro's that's impressive
  22. OK said this was going to be short but 2 posts? anyway thanks for the info its has been noted :) but I want more so :) I'll not Deny on a benchmark test, or any other test people have dreamed up to test a processors processing power, Intel will blow AMD out the water at the moment, but.... If you were to place two similar spec systems one AMD based and one Intel based next to each other, could you tell the difference? Yes the Intel system would be fractionally faster when transcoding audio,video files, but when running Applications/Software would there be any discernible difference? I'll not argue that just say that if I could have I would have gone the Intel route and would recommend anyone else that if they could afford it to do the same. I'm not sure if your agreeing or disagreeing with my point here? but when I put my system together to go the Intel route added a fraction more than £100 to the cost and the final clincher was my upgrade argument, that the AMD route offered me separate Motherboard, and CPU upgrade times, that is to say that hopefully Jan 010 hopefully will be able to upgrade my CPU to a quad core or 2 X Dual and then upgrade the Motherboard towards the end of the year. I did not see this option on the Intel route, and if I had of gone the 775 socket then to go to a i7 CPU would mean a new motherboard with a 1366 socket? So to me if you want to build a system, and leave it as is save your pennies and at a later date build a new system Intel wins but if you want to build a system and at a later date upgrade that same system on a budget then AMD wins Hmmm interesting statements and concept if they can do it a Motherboard with a GPU socket and a possible GPU RAM slot, I need to research this more before comment
  23. You may also want to keep an eye on a thread I started in Hardware/processors about AMD and Intel processors before making any final decisions, I'll not deny Tooteck, and Dalo, can advise you better, as its their field of speciality, so it's always worth waiting for them to reply :)
  24. Hi Stranger So you have a Sony VAIO LT23E? Can you tell us what you use your PC for, Browsing,Gaming,CAD, word processing or just for General home use? Can you Give us some Idea how much you would like to spend? And can you confirm your pc model as obviously a card that fits a Vaio Desk top wont fit a laptop.
  25. Right this I'm expecting to be a short thread, and get my argument shot dowm pretty quicky But Intel CPU's at the moment are better than the AMD cpu designs for processing, I wont argue that, however..... The AMD AM2, AM2+ Socket compatibility and the AM3 Socket's Compatibility with AM2+, No versa on that but cant have everything, means If you have a AM2 CPU, and an AM2 Motherboard you can upgrade the CPU to a AM2+ and keep your old motherboard. you then have the option of upgrading your motherboard to AM3 Socket spec while keeping your AM2+ CPU and hopefully when the next generation of AMD CPU's arrive they will fit into AM3+ sockets ?? or if not you can still upgrade the CPU to AM3 socket for this reason AMD seems to have given people like me with small wallets an affordable upgrade path. where as with the Intel route I can't find one, and thus my argument is that on a tight budget for upgading AMD blow Intel out the water. :eek:
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