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Jelly Bean

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Everything posted by Jelly Bean

  1. Oh dear it doesnt sound good. I think your hard drive has gone bad and you need to buy a new one.
  2. Give it a few more minutes and if it dont work restart and see if the process restarts.
  3. I am not sure,at least you see the mouse pointer.It may take a little time. I hope it works for you.
  4. Ok I am on a local community commity which makes me privy to information before many others. So I have been informed of the following. A fraud company is calling mobile/cell phones telling people they are from an engineering company checking your connection. They ask you to press as an example #89 or 98. If you press these numbers when asked to this gives these fraudsters acccess to your SIM card and phone. This then enables them to make calls from your mobile/cell phone SIM at your expence. For those living in and around the Swansea area they can call the Crime Prevention Officer Phil Corris on 01524-596696 for more information. Although this is happening all over the UK not just Swansea.
  5. Wait do not do anything wiat untill you can logon to windows.
  6. Ok I will try and explain what has happened with FaceBook over the past two weeks and it continues. The issue started when a Chris Hunt from Swansea posted infected videos.Then a Dai Barrett and his daughter also posted the infected videos.Why because they clicked Chris Hunts videos.How many others have clicked them I do not know. This now starts all the issues. What is happening now is: Example: Dai barrett posts four of the infected videos to four of his friends.They in turn click the video link attached.Infact Dai did not send the videos. Then the four friends who clicked the video unbeknown to them the video is sent to four of there friends who click the attached link and so it goes on. Now the effect of this is we have Chris Hunt,Dai Barrett and his daughter keighly Barrett infected plus there friends. Now myself and many others are receiving messages in our inboxes,these messages contain a text like hey your booty looks good in this and a link is also attached.I do not open these messages I just click spam button. From Chris Hunts profile is sent 20 of these infected spam messages to people on his friends list.Then if each of these 20 friends click the link they then unknown to them send to each of there 20 friends this spam infected hack link.And so it continues. Now Dai Barrett and his daughter have also unknowingly done this also. So god knows how many people have been infected and hacked. The only advice I can give is to update and run your antivirus program and run it.Although depending how your infected your AV will not fix the issues. I have offered several forums including this one for any malware infections you suspect you have or you do have.Get the trained people to fix the issues. I have advised DO NOT click any links or videos on your profile sent by friends or any sent your inbox untill this issue is resolved.I do not know how far this has spread. I have warned the three named above to have there system cleaned or reformatted but they refuse so the infection spreads. Has anyone got a clue what is going on? I am overloaded with complaints and cannot deal with so many infected computers. Is it possible there IPs have been taken control of or there wireless routers? Any advice would be great.
  7. 1. IDE 0: TOSHIBA MK8046GSX= hard drive 2: IDE 1: PIONEER DVD-RW DURKD08RS = CD/DVD Try the backup bootable.
  8. Ok that looks ok,now set the CD/DVD rom to first boot device and the hard drive to second boot device using your arrow keys. Now put in the install disk or recovery disk you have and save and exit and hopefully follow onscreen instructions.
  9. Ok can you look under boot tab or boot order is your hard drive listed? If it is listed is it set first boot hard drive second boot CD/DVD rom?
  10. So are you saying you cannot enter setup? I have a feeling your hard drive is dead and needs replacing. The alt + F10 may need you to restart and repeatedly tap them at same time.It may take a few restarts as Acer are buggy machines.
  11. Ok have you tried restarting and repeatedly tapping ALT+F10 at start up for recovery console. I edited my last post to. Restart the laptop. It should say on black sreen "Press ? to enter setup" ? could be F1,F2,Del or another.Please enter setup and see if your hard drive is listed please.
  12. It means your hard drive is possibly dead but unless you try the other things in the list and let me know we cannot determin at this moment in time what the issue is.Possibly CD/DVD rom issue. Did you set first boot device to CD/DVD rom pop in the disk,save and exit?
  13. If you chose safe mode it does do that give it a chance to load.
  14. Hello and welcome. Have you tried restarting the laptop and repeatedly tap F8 and choose last known good config or safe mode? Do either of these work? Have you tried booting into recovery console with command prompt using the disk and run chkdsk /r ? Have you tried enetering BIOS/Setup and see if the hard drive is listed?
  15. Have you tried downloading from here: Drivers - Download NVIDIA Drivers
  16. Both accounts maybe admin but one may have fuller rights than the other. It is against forum rules to actualy help with password issues. But I would advise you to backup all your data you wish to save and just go ahead and reinstall XP. :)
  17. Are you sure you are full admin on the PC? Have you tried not adding a password and just continue?
  18. Hello and welcome. Look here for the fix. "Invalid Boot.ini" or "Windows could not start" error messages when you start your computer JB.
  19. Hello and welcome to the forum. It appears the GPU is not compatible for Windows 7 to run,you need to upgrade the GPU.But hey not everything is as so. However I see Hengis is helping you on his forum.He may find you a solution you can try.
  20. Hello and welcome. You can either search your computer makers website under there support tab for the driver download. Or you can post make and model and what operating system you are running here and see if we can find them for you. JB.
  21. Hello and welcome. It appears you may need to update your graphics card driver and also change the resolution of the screen.
  22. Hey Mr Happy. Your issue appears that USB support is not enabled in BIOS yet. You need to switch to a PS/2 keyboard and mouse untill you have setup your computer correctly. I always use a PS/2 keyboard and mouse on setting up my own computers and when I work on other peoples. Once setup you can then use and install your USB keyboard and mouse. JB.
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