thats the one you need.
put the cd in your drive....boot the pc up, you will be promtped to press any key from enter.
this will then load files from the cd, after giles are loaded you will be prompted to press r to boot to recovery console DO NOT,
go through where it says press enter to install xp.follow this to where in the bottom left , it says "searching for previosu should then find your xp home installation and ask you if you would like to do a repair install of it by pressing r,this is where you do r. (important do not go further if you are confused).do not press anything tha asks you to delte a partition.
after a short time your pc will restart and run through the xp setup process,you will be prompted for timezone licence key etc.but all your docs, pics etc will still be on your pc when the pc has re-installed..
here read this for clarification
let me know if you need any extra help