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Everything posted by danzil

  1. thats the one you need. put the cd in your drive....boot the pc up, you will be promtped to press any key from cd.press enter. this will then load files from the cd, after giles are loaded you will be prompted to press r to boot to recovery console DO NOT, go through where it says press enter to install xp.follow this to where in the bottom left , it says "searching for previosu versions....it should then find your xp home installation and ask you if you would like to do a repair install of it by pressing r,this is where you do so.press r. (important do not go further if you are confused).do not press anything tha asks you to delte a partition. after a short time your pc will restart and run through the xp setup process,you will be prompted for timezone licence key etc.but all your docs, pics etc will still be on your pc when the pc has re-installed.. here read this for clarification http://www.michaelstevenstech.com/XPrepairinstall.htm let me know if you need any extra help regards danzil
  2. could try this.download direct x eradicator from http://www.softpedia.com/get/Security/Secure-cleaning/DirectX-Eradicator.shtml this will remove direct x back to 8.1.. then re-install direct x 9.c or as "tech advance" linked direct x 10. give that a quick try. download everest from http://majorgeeks.com/download4181.html this tells you the spec of your system,look for your display adaptor, post me the make and model and i will post a link to the latest driver. regards danzil
  3. are you sure he has not changed the size settings on your monitor. what resolution is the screen in,,right click the desktop then properties... have you done windows system restore. sounds like screen size via the monitor at first glance regards danzil
  4. hi nick180 have you tried running htis programme incompatibility mode,and as administrator. have you checked the manufacturers website for any updates/ patches as yet. regards danzil
  5. go here this may help you http://support.microsoft.com/kb/315341 regards danzil
  6. what is the exact error message,what dll is it stating. regards danzil
  7. click on start>run type in dxdiag, do you receive an error message if so what is it....if no error what version is it saying you are using at present,,,what graphics card do you have also. regards danzil
  8. what exactly happens when you power it on,do the fans turn...do you hear any bios beeps etc regards danzil
  9. hi have you tried re-installing the game and also direct x 9c regards danzil
  10. what webcam do you have tired sorry danzil
  11. try removing the cmos battery for 15 -30 minutes,then plugging the psu back in,then powering on. it maybe the bios has got stuck. rmoving the battery will revert it back to defaults. regards danzil
  12. what exactly have you deleted... in network connections in control panel, is the local area connection present and enabled. can you ping any web sites. start>run type in cmd in that box type ping http://www.bbc.co.uk do you get a reply. also if that doesnt work try a system restore. start>all programmes>accessories>system tools>system restore then choose a date before this issue then restore to it. all should hopefully be ok if not post back. regards danzil
  13. ok it sounds like you have booted into recovery console. reboot from the cd,when it asks to boot fto the recovery console dont,keep going to where it shows the partitions of your hard drive,it is in there where the repair options is used..recovery console can be used but it is slightly mopre difficult to replace those type of files......continue to where i stated and run the repair install from there.it is just after the xp cd checks for previous operating system versions. letme know if i can help anymore regards danzil
  14. make sure file and printer sharing is enabled on all pc's. change the workgroup name to something different, mshome is just the default doesnt mean they are in the same workgroup. yes you should be able to ping from any computer to any other computer. regardless of the workgroup, if they are connected to the same router... have you tried manuall configuring all ip's..make sure dns and default gateway is the routers ip.subnets should be the same really. check your internet explorer connection settings make sure they are using lan not dial up.....in lan settings untick "automatically detect connection settings" regards danzil
  15. no probs mate... psus are cheap enough luckily regards danzil
  16. i would definatly try the camera on another pc using the same software and same software versioin and see if it happens again..... does it do it regardless of power source.... mmmm has it always been like this regards danzil
  17. i had this issue not that long a go turned out to be the usb controller chip on the motherboard.....does it do it on all usb hardware or just the camera... can the laptop shut down with the usb camera connected (just wondering if this is an xp issue). have you tried latest drivers etc regards danzil
  18. are they in the same workgroup etc.... is file and printer sharing enabled in the firewall. put them both in a workgroup of the same name then try..... regards danzil
  19. yes i... we dont seem to be getting the rest of your post... regards danzil
  20. glad you got it sorted peepe64, i have read your other post danzil
  21. if you are not using wireless then either disable it or setup encryption do not leave it open,,,this will be in the manual. if you are indeed running it through ethernet cables then it will be secure, but check your settings, like blocking ping, and other attacks....usually on by default though regards danzil
  22. try running all the clean up tools first,,,,defrag etc,online virus scan (avg isnt the safest out there) http://www.trendmicro.com, scan for spy/mailware http://www.ewido.com. see if that improves it. regards danzil
  23. the only way i know to do this is to, use tweak progs like tweakui etc,,,or hex editing explorer.exe. not to be done if you do not know what you are doing. regards danzil
  24. also try vga mode,this will change the reolution and may possible allow you into xp to do a restore.or try last known good configuraion that also may work.... regards danzil.
  25. alternativly go on the kingston website.there ram has a lifetime warrenty. http://www.kingston.com/ukroot/ regards danzil
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