ok no problem,
can you download everest and try that, aida may be slightly to old for your board n chipset get it from.
give that a go,,,is the sm bus controller still a yellow exclamation mark in device manager.
take the side of the case of it will have it written on the board, usually near the ram slots or pci slots.
or download aida 32 google for it, get it from majorgeeks.
install that then click on motherboard, you could also try belarc advisor, or everest
what is your make and model of pc, if it isnt home build and had parts replace, we maybe able to find out that way
what graphics card do you have installed at present.......
i would have at least 1gb of ram. your cpu is 2ghz am i correct,i rarely use AMD chips. 2 ghz is ok for most games...
memory cpu and graphics is the main hting to look at.
how hot is this laptop getting,,,is the hard drive firmly in place....
also in device manager are all drivers installed.
give them a quick check then post back
try starting the terminal services service and system event notification serve and then try starting bits service again... make sure qmgr.dll and qmgrprxy.dl sens.dll
rpcss.dll are registered
may be a dependency not started that is causing this.
could also try removing all emp directories, then downloading bits2 for win 2000 then re-installing it.
here is a list of dll's to register gsvr32 wuapi.dll /s
regsvr32 wups.dll /s
regsvr32 wuaueng.dll /s
regsvr32 wucltui.dll /s
regsvr32 wuweb.dll /s
regsvr32 msxml.dll /s
regsvr32 msxml2.dll /s
regsvr32 msxml3.dll /s
regsvr32 urlmon.dll /s
net start wuauserv
regsvr32 softpub.dll /s
regsvr32 initpki.dll /s
regsvr32 mssip32.dll /s
regsvr32 wintrust.dll /s
regsvr32 dssenh.dll /s
regsvr32 rsaenh.dll /s
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll /s
regsvr32 sccbase.dll /s
regsvr32 slbcsp.dll /s
regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll /s
regsvr32 jscript.dll /s
save it as cmd...oh yeh you have already done that.
so a re-install of bits and they above may work
i will think or some other things and then post back
do you have the xp cd
if so make sure all the system files are original and intact.
start>run type in sfc /scannow
this will replace any damgaed files.hopefully sorting out any services issues,
i did this when i couldnt get the bits service started and it worked for me, hopefully may work for you.
if not post back.
try re-registering winhttp.dll 1st if you have it then re register the other.
also browse to the c:\winnt\system32\ and see if the dll is even in there....try this re registering with any firewall you have turned off.
could also try
Go to Start > Run > type in
Click OK
Navigate to this subkey -
Click the plus sign next to it
Click on the InProcServer32 folder
In the right frame check the Data for (Default), it should read
In the left frame, right click {CFC399AF-D876-11D0-9C10-00C04FC99C8E}
Choose Permissions
Administrators and System need to have Full Control checked
If they don't, check the box, then click Apply, OK
Close the registry editor
Restart the system and see if you can reregister msxml3.dll now
giive them a try
you need to find out the make of your motherboard, this should be on the pc world site also,,,,then there should be a link to a chipset driver,,,,,,what is your make of motherboard, i will see if i can find out for you.
i would now try a different stick of ram on its own in the machine,,(not one you already have installed),this maybe the issue,if its freezing during memtest then it may be try to write or read from the damage byte.
this is far more cheaper then replacing the cpu at this stage.
hi again snaily.
my 1st things to check would be as randyl said your startup list via the registry and msconfig.
go to start>run type in msconfig, post back what you find ticked in the "startup tab"
ok now go to start>run then type in regedit.now browse to hklm>software>microsoft>windows>current verison>run post what you find in there.
also i would try downloading a 30 day trial of nod32 from http://www.eset.co.uk install that AFTER REMOVING ANY OTHER ANTI VIRUS,update it and run a full scan,,,that should remove any left overs of ya trojan....
is there any reason why you do not have service pack2. this is a must nowadays.
do you have music amtch install on that pc,,,,,is so and you arent using it uninstall it.
if you do need it enable it in your firewall i believe shellconhiddenwindow is part of music match.
try that 1st that may cure this issue
yeah well you have your warrenty on the replacement board as standard,so if it happens again they wil have to repair it.....not sure of there terms but usually 30 days on labour and 1 year on parts.
i wouldnt worry about checking the hard drive right away,,,defiantly clean and replace the thermal grease on the heatsink and see if that helps.clecn it off the heat sink n cpu then re apply some liquid silver or some good quality grease....
if htat doesnt help then a more powerfull heatsink n fan maybe reqiured.
make sure the video cable is plugged in firmly and all power to the monitor etc,
has the graphics card been knocked at all.may want to check that it is sat correctly...
is it the same monitor as before.
you may want to update your display driver,,,but shouldnt make a lot of difference if it was working before....mmmm