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Everything posted by Armageddon

  1. Also you can buy 1 full version for the xp pc if it will run it. and 1 upgrade version for the vista pc. You'll need the full version for xp because there is no upgrade path from xp to windows seven it requires a full clean install
  2. i wouldn't install xp on a partition thaat small kathi
  3. press either del or f2 to get into bios and change the boot order there Kathi
  4. hi set the laptop to boot up from cd insert your xp disk and boot up whn set up starts select the drive with the current operating system on it it will then reformat and install xp , hope this helps Dave
  5. http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/../images/icons/icon1.gif Windows XP Recovery Console A direct download of the Windows XP Recovery Console. Please note: The ISO file needs to be burnt to a CD. Click here to download the Windows XP Recovery Console __________________ Need computer support? Then why not join Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. Register here If Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help has helped you then please consider a donation. Click here A repost with the links embedded
  6. A direct download of the Windows XP Recovery Console. Please note: The ISO file needs to be burnt to a CD. Click here to download the Windows XP Recovery Console __________________ Need computer support? Then why not join Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. Register here
  7. Hi and welcome to the forum
  8. ok did that help can you launch prgrams now ?
  9. hi lets give this a whirl see if we can get your programs to launch Please download exeHelper to your desktop. If your AV program throws up a warning about the program, ignore the warning. Some AV's flag this program because of how it works... that's all. Double-click on exeHelper.com to run the fix. A black window should pop up, press any key to close once the fix is completed. Post the contents of exehelperlog.txt ( Will be created in the directory where you ran exeHelper.com and should open at the end of the scan) Note : If the window shows a message that says "Error deleting file", please re-run the program before posting a log - and post the two logs together ( they will both be in the one file ). Let me have the report and also let me know if things are any better. We'll take it from there.
  10. Tlhe OTL disk is a malware removal utility that runs in a pe back ground it will run scans and provide us with information of any possible infections of your system which our rather good security staff can deal with
  11. ok drive removed data recovered drive sectors repaired drive then drive wiped and os reinstalled this was one I had to visit in person lol
  12. so theres no pin hole on the dvd rewriter ?
  13. am gonna download that lol
  14. If you have a xp disc you could try booting from that and running a system repair heres a explanation how 7. Windows XP Repair Installation If your system came with a Microsoft Windows XP installation CD, you can use this to perform a Windows Repair Installation. This tries to repair Windows by replacing the Windows system files on your hard disk with fresh copies from the CD. A Repair Installation will leave your own documents intact and, in most cases, your installed applications should also still work. If your machine came pre-installed with Windows XP and has not had XP Service Packs 1 or 2 applied, you may find that some applications need reinstalling after doing a Repair Install. If you are able to install the latest XP service pack prior to doing a Repair Install, you may may prevent this problem. Any Windows updates will need to be reapplied after running a Repair Installation. Do not confuse a Microsoft Windows XP installation CD with the computer manufacturer's own System Restore CD(s) often supplied with laptop machines. The latter will fix your system by restoring it to exactly how it was when it left the factory - all your own files and any new software that you installed will be destroyed. If you do use the manufacturer's own System Restore CDs, they normally give you a clear screen message that that is what will happen. If your machine did not come with a Microsoft Windows XP Installation CD, try contacting the supplier or manufacturer for one. Ultimately, you might need to buy a new Windows XP installation CD if you want to do a Repair Installation. To perform a Repair Installation: If at all possible, first make a backup copy of your own files if you don't already have one. Although a Repair Install should not affect your own files, it's better to be safe than sorry. Disconnect your computer from the network. Boot (i.e. start up) the computer with the Windows XP CD in the CD drive. You may need to change the 'boot order' via the system BIOS so the CD boots before the hard drive. Check your system documentation for how to access the BIOS and change the boot order. If the system is set to boot from CDs, you may see a startup message saying Press any key to boot from CD.... When you see the Windows XP Welcome To Setup screen, you will see the options below: This portion of the Setup program prepares Microsoft Windows XP to run on your computer: To setup Windows XP now, press ENTER. To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R. To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3. Press <Enter> to start the Windows Setup. Note - DO NOT press <R> to choose the option To repair a Windows XP installation using the Recovery Console, press R Accept the License Agreement. Windows will then search for existing Windows installations. Select the XP installation you want to repair from the list (there may only be one) and press <R> to start the repair. If Repair is not one of the options, you should press <F3> to Quit. This usually means that the version of Windows on the CD does not match the one already installed. If you do proceed to install a fresh copy of Windows rather than repairing an existing one, you will lose access to all the applications you previously had installed (although your own files should be preserved). You will also need to supply the correct Windows licence key for the CD. Setup will copy all the necessary files to the hard drive and then reboot the system. Do NOT press a key to boot from CD when that message appears. Reapply all the Windows updates or service packs applied since the initial Windows XP installation. A Repair Installation will remove any service packs later than the ones included in the installation CD. If you are installing Windows XP Service Pack 2, you should do this from a CD rather than by online download (your local IT staff should have a CD for this). Connecting to the network (even for a few seconds) without having reinstalled Windows service packs will immediately expose you to attack. You should also install up-to-date antivirus software before connecting to the network. __________________
  15. Hi and welcome net surfer glad your here
  16. Hi it's great to have more security team members here poor old starbuck has been swamped lol so welcome Thomas
  17. Am going to get the lady to downlaod knoppix live cd and use that since it puts a drive icon on the desktop to get her data off then it looks like a new drive i think
  18. ok the drive failed seagates scan any ideas folks
  19. the otl instructions reposted Quick explanation: If we make a bootable disc and boot your system up using this... we can bypass the malware and get a report off the infected system. You then transfer the report to the usb stick, and then send the report from the other system. You will also be able to get any files etc you want off the system at the same time.... sound good? OK this file is big... print these instruction out so that you know what you are doing Two programmes to download First ISOBurner this will allow you to burn OTLPE.iso to a CD and make it bootable. Just install the programme, from there on in it is fairly automatic. Instructions Second Download OTLPE.iso and burn to a CD using ISO Burner. NOTE: This file is approx 280Mb in size so it may take some time to download. When downloaded double click and this will then open ISOBurner to burn the file to CD Reboot your system using the boot CD you just created. Note : If you do not know how to set your computer to boot from CD follow the steps here As the CD needs to detect your hardware and load the operating system, I would recommend a nice cup of tea whilst it loads :) Your system should now display a Reatogo desktop. Note : as you are running from CD it is not exactly speedy Double-click on the OTLPE icon. Select the Windows folder of the infected drive if it asks for a location When asked "Do you wish to load the remote registry", select Yes When asked "Do you wish to load remote user profile(s) for scanning", select Yes Ensure the box "Automatically Load All Remaining Users" is checked and press OK OTL should now start. Change the following settings. Change Drivers to All Change Registry to All Under the Custom Scan box paste this in: %SYSTEMDRIVE%\*.* /md5start eventlog.dll scecli.dll netlogon.dll cngaudit.dll sceclt.dll ntelogon.dll logevent.dll iaStor.sys nvstor.sys atapi.sys IdeChnDr.sys viasraid.sys AGP440.sys vaxscsi.sys nvatabus.sys viamraid.sys nvata.sys nvgts.sys iastorv.sys ViPrt.sys eNetHook.dll ahcix86.sys KR10N.sys nvstor32.sys ahcix86s.sys nvrd32.sys /md5stop %systemroot%\*. /mp /s %systemroot%\System32\config\*.sav Press Run Scan to start the scan. When finished, the file will be saved in drive C:\OTL.txt Copy this file to your USB drive if you do not have internet connection on this system. Right click the file and select send to : select the USB drive. Confirm that it has copied to the USB drive by selecting it You can backup any files that you wish from this OS Please post the contents of the C:\OTL.txt file in your reply.
  20. Thtas what I'd like to do Nev but sinced it's laptop and she has scores of coursework on it I don't think she will even contamplate it
  21. Everything you have points to a malware infection can you do the otl disk as posted earlier and post the logs am sure our security experts wil help you out
  22. ok otl and lots of other stuff wont work am having her scan the drive using seatools
  23. Good idea since shes using the otl disk i will ask her to retrieve what she needs then continue with what I hope will be the solution
  24. ok if you borrow one download and save this to the usb stick using the borrowed laptop then install and run on your other machine hopefully it will repair the exe files Please download exeHelper to your desktop. If your AV program throws up a warning about the program, ignore the warning. Some AV's flag this program because of how it works... that's all. Double-click on exeHelper.com to run the fix. A black window should pop up, press any key to close once the fix is completed. Post the contents of exehelperlog.txt ( Will be created in the directory where you ran exeHelper.com and should open at the end of the scan) Note : If the window shows a message that says "Error deleting file", please re-run the program before posting a log - and post the two logs together ( they will both be in the one file ). Let me have the report and also let me know if things are any better. We'll take it from there.
  25. do you have a usb stick ?
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