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Everything posted by Armageddon

  1. You are very very welcome twedspeed glad to be of service
  2. Hi twedspeed 2 ways firstly you can use your phone as a mass storage device ( like a hard drive) or as a camera and import your pictures , to do this when you connect the usb look on your phone screen for the usb symbol tap this you will then see the options to use the phone as a camera or mass storage select the one you want and wait for vista to load the driver it will then pop up then either select browse files and folders if used as mass storage or import if you chose use as a camera.
  3. if your mp3's are in windows media player already open that then click burn drag the mp3's to the burn list then click burn they should automatically burn as standard audio disks
  4. Hi your not gonna get high end laptop for 300quid but ASDA do a decent Dell machine for around that its 4gig and 500gig of ram so will handle everyday computing tasks easy look here
  5. If you run the crucial memory scanner that will tell you the max each slot will hold
  6. Skype is now owned by Microsoft , so if you have a windows live account you can use it to log into Skype , there are other video calling programs out there but personally Skype does the job for me, if you want to use it for calling landlines/mobiles you can either buy credit or upgrade to premium service
  7. Merry Christmas one and all but lets not forget today is my BIRTHDAY
  8. I know this is a bit left field but as the tower is a micro one ( very nice that they are ) , and space is at a premium a half height card would be needed anyway and the PSU isn't enough have you considered recasing the components a reasonable case with a 500w psu is £40 or so and if your worried about recasing yourself most shops charge another 10 - 20 for doing it for you , you'd then have the space for expansion
  9. Hi Caskin I take it by the sound been built in you mean speakers built in to the monitor , have you checked to see if there muted on the screen itself and have you tried a set of headphones in the audio jack both front and back of the pc
  10. Even though this forum doesn't allow it I use remote assistance software a hell of a lot , but one of the things I do state is to remove sensitive data before I take control I also insist the person watches my every move and chats with me while I do whatever is needed , I do agree with Nev though taking to a shop can be worse so basically it comes down to trust and choice
  11. Hi is the laptop windows 7 or 8 , if 7 try hitting alt and f10 to enter the recovery process , if 8 go to control panel and use the refresh computer settings in there a option within those settings is a factory reset
  12. I have to agree with Nev unless your planning on changing your operating system since something like Windows 7 with all updates and programs etc will take up 20 gig at least of a 32 gig drive ,if you was planning on that then i'd suggest going bigger but if your going to stick with XP then you should be ok with the uses you suggest
  13. hi BreatGritain is the ram for the Sony viao if so I'd do as Maynard suggests and run the crucial scanner since it will tell you the max the laptop will take and suggest options and the ram is also guaranteed to be compatible
  14. Hi Alex no you don't need to run mtest after installing the new ram , and yes SSD's are very good but do remember if you use one not to format it and turn off vista's auto defrag which runs when the pc is idle, and yes you can use a ddr3 graphics card with ddr2 ram
  15. Hi Alex have you ran the crucial memory scanner posted in post 4 , personally given the number of errors posted I'd consider new ram and I the scanner will offer you the right ram and a price , I use crucial myself
  16. Hi I assume you subscribed to a BT hotspot to get on the net and now when you open your IE its got the BT page asking you to log on etc , first of all can you check that the pc is not trying to connect to the internet via the hotspot still if your not and are using your own LAN we can reset internet explorer back to defaults , by clicking on the cog on the top right of internet explorer then going to internet options , then clicking the advanced tab then clicking reset , then closing the browser and re-opening this will reset IE back to defaults
  17. Hi sorry to butt in but was the Mtest cd burnt as a iso or just as a normal cd , the following bit of software will allow the downloaded mtest iso to be burnt to a cd ActiveISO if you download the active iso burner from that page you can then create your mtest disk
  18. Am assuming your phone is a Android phone , when you plug in a Android phone to a PC , on the phone itself you get the option to use the phone for file transfers etc , or using the phone to tether to the pc like modem .
  19. You could try going to device manager and uninstalling the driver for the phone then re plugging the phone in and re downloading the driver , also make sure you have the phone set up for file transfer
  20. I'll agree with Ken on "SpeedyPC" as far as syncing contacts etc are you using Samsungs own software Samsung Keis this will do the job of syncing and backing up contacts etc
  21. Hi sorry to butt in DBAN is pretty good but has no options it will just wipe everything including the recovery partition , another peice of free software allows you to wipe the C:/ and leave the recovery partition in place is can be downloaded from here
  22. Hi Teabags you try going to Dells support page putting in the Service tag of the machine and downloading drivers you need copy them to cd/usb then install on the machine you need them on
  23. Hi I had the same problem give this a try use SATA 1-3 for your HDD/SDD's and SATA 4 for your DVD then try booting from CD , if that doesn't work go into bios and change use sata ports 4/5 from SATA to IDE save changes and exit it will then work
  24. Hi peem sorry it's running slow still could you please download the following program and run it please. Download Security Check from here or here. Save it to your Desktop. Double click SecurityCheck.exe and follow the onscreen instructions inside of the black box. A Notepad document should open automatically when the program has finished... called checkup.txt; please copy and paste the contents of that document in your next reply.
  25. Hi Scottlad , Starbuck recommended removing both AVG and Mcafee and yes run the repairs he has requested please
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