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Dalo Harkin

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Everything posted by Dalo Harkin

  1. What you are referring to is HDD space not memory space. Have a look in the Windows C:/ drive and see if there are any programs that you no longer use, you can also do this from the control panel and then add/remove programs and remove any you no longer need/use * DO not remove anything if you are unsure what it does as you may need it
  2. This issue is due to the programs being used needing so much RAM, it could be due to a low PSU, or the Voltages may need setting in the BIOS manually. This is one of the reasons why BSODs are not always accurate
  3. Hi and welcome to FPCH :)
  4. Is the drive SATA or IDE ?
  5. Hi and welcome to fpch :)
  6. For what res you play at I wouldnt buy anything but the XFX Radeon HD 5770 1GB which can be bought in the UK for about £120 Its a double slot cooler so will take up one/maybe both of your PCI slots
  7. What size monitor do you have/ what res do you game at? The ONLY thing that really needs an upgrade is the GPU
  8. Hi Bob, I have emailed you, it normally happens if you have a pagefile error. So the quickest/easiest way to solve it would be to use LAST KNOWN GOOD CONFIGURATION, but this doesnt always work. You have to check that you have enough HDD space when you do get it to boot though as this can be a contributing factor. Re the GPU drivers. You uninstall the old display driver from add/remove programs in control panel and download the latest one from ATI Graphics Drivers & Software and then restart, when the PC boots run the exe from wherever you have saved it to and when its all installed, restart again - done :)
  9. You say that they show, but is the HDD (with the OS on) at the top of the boot list?
  10. Do you have any other HDDs that you can use to create a Master volume? Then at least try and recover the other HDD, when you installed the HDD into your mums PC did you do it as a slave drive or did you try and boot from it? Don't worry, I won't call you anything or hit you lol :)
  11. For that resolution even a very basic card would play at high settings. While you wont be able to set AA and AF to max, it should cope with at least x8 on each
  12. The flashing underscore means that the PC is searching for something, but there is nothing there. As has been suggested you need to check in the BIOS to see if the HDD is visible and if it is that it is in the BOOT list. Its most common when the CMOS is reset and you dont have a floppy drive installed, but the floppy options are not disabled in the BIOS :)
  13. CMOS depending on what the actual error said as already pointed out is the MOBOs own memory settings and configurations and is powered by the small watch battery. Anything to do with CMOS is normally that the battery is low, and it will advise that, it wont stop you booting to windows though. As for the RAM clip, you can run the PC fine if its just the one clip, as they are more for releasing the RAM as opposed to holding it in place..the clip sits inside a small notch on the side of the RAM technically holding it in place, but I have never had one fall out that didnt have the clips on
  14. This happens when you have moved or done something to the Program files. you need to right click on the short cut and then select properties, on the general tab (which is the first screen that opens) check that the PATH is where the file is example would be:- C:/Users/your name/program files/the name of the software company/name/version of the program.
  15. What size monitor do you have/ what res do you game at?
  16. What is the make and model of the router. If you have a few devices using a router it is better to get the router to assign fixed IP addresses so that nothing conflicts
  17. Glad its sort of sorted, if there was an error showing then I would recommend that you get another HDD as a backup and install it as a standard drive and move any valuable data over to that. If the RAID does fail in the future (for the performance it gives) I wouldnt bother with it and just use the 1 good drive from the RAID setup and then use the additional drive (I recommended you get :)) as a data storage drive
  18. I wouldnt at the moment as ATI are due to launch a new range of cards to rival the 400 range of Nvidia............ If you were looking to upgrade I would wait at least a month, but for the games that you say you play there is no need to upgrade what you have
  19. Defrags cannot normally move files over a certain size - if there are files that are say 10GB+ such as a bluray movie then it wont allow it to be defragged... I am pretty sure that there is an option somewhere, that will allow files over a certain size to be defragged.. Why are you trying to get 200GB for Ubuntu as Linux OS's use far less space than Windows ( well the OS anyway)
  20. You said it could be something like a loose cable, have you checked them, moved them or added anything to them recently? Try removing the HDD cables and see if the machine posts faster than it did It is possible for the hardware to cause a 'delay' with windows booting. Its easier to remove components to check rather than try and identify with the likes of MEMTEST as memtest takes a long time to do its job properly... A defrag is the last thing that should be done in a scenario like this as if there is an issue with the drive, running a defrag can kill it completely - sure we have discussed this before :rolleyes:
  21. There are no clips on a 3pin MOBO fan header, if you put it in the wrong way then it could have damaged that header, but there are normally 5 or 6 headers on a MOBO. The CPU ones are 4 pin normally This piccy shows a CPU header that has a 3 pin one on, its just to give you an idea of the difference NOT to do http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:NUSWOGstJofv1M:http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/PCGeezer/IM002075.jpg&t=1
  22. There are programs available that will delete 'stubborn' folders and programs, but I personally wouldnt use them. Can you check the permissions of the folder and check that you are the OWNER, as your not always :D right click the folder and then select properties, then security you will see your name and some system ones - check that you have allow on yours all ticked :)
  23. You have a few errors in Volsnap which is basically the volume shadow copy service used for volume snapshots and other types of backup If you have XP and Vista on the same machine this is what often wreaks havoc! As you are using RAID I would turn this off for a start as there have been errors with its compatibility with RAID You also stated that you reinstalled windows - how did you go about this process, did you use the disks that came with the system or did it have a seperate recovery partition? You should have a disk labelled drivers/utilities or such which needs to be used for all the drivers needed. can you go into control panel>system>device manager and see if there are any yellow exclamations next to anything.
  24. a MAC in my eyes is more for specialist users such as graphics editing etc. a MAC PC/lappy are very different from windows and because of that the 2 cant really be compared. MACs until a few years ago were very hard to get help with and software too, but as people have stated it is getting better. The MAC OS's are extremely reliable and for that I can see the attraction, but I think that its hard to compare the 2 against one another as there are pro's and con's for both
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