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Dalo Harkin

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Everything posted by Dalo Harkin

  1. I wouldnt go for the watercooling - just use air if the case is good enough and use a Freezer 7 and you will get 3.3 out of your quad. Yes I now have 4GB in this, just havent updated my sig..........which I am off to do now :)
  2. This thread looks familiar :) If you are using a router - then the router will dish out the IP address the router will be and the first PC that connects will be for example and if another pc connected it would be for example. If your router is set up right, you need to use whatever software the lappy used to connect to the net and NOT the windows one, unless you only have the windows software to connect wirelessly
  3. If you are using Vista - then windows update should find and install the drivers for you
  4. Well I would stay clear of the i7 route mate - they are extortionately priced - your Q6600 when overclocked is more than a match for them. for an i7 MOBO you are looking over £200 (for a decent one) you can get your 4870 for that :) Only thing I have done recently is add more RAM and HDD's :D
  5. Hi and welcome to the nut house - you will fit in just fine :D
  6. Im with Diurno on IE - but I wont be going the IE8 route just yet - and you only gave it 4* diurno what is it that you dropped the 1* for? just out of curiosity
  7. Hoovers - the sure way to an early PC heaven :) Hoovers themselves create static and should not be used inside a PC, but we all learn. Chances are that the burning was infact one of the components as opposed to the dust hitting something hot. unfortunately it can be any of the components that have gone (its most likely to be the MOBO or the PSU as you suspect though) So you need to weigh up - is it worth buying a new PSU and/or MOBO and hoping that it works, or window and then get your little un one that works and stay away from it with the hoover :eek:
  8. Go into your C drive and then program files - there will be an icon that says AVAST - enter it and there should be an uninstall.exe in there
  9. It sounds to me that the GPU is suffering from Heat issues, not uncommon on laptops. When you reinstalled the OS - was this done via a recovery partition?
  10. Have you also updated to latest GPU drivers? slowdowns can be caused by lots of things, but its normally the RAM the GPU itself or the HDD. If the system runs fine while you are not playing games then you can pretty much rule out the RAM and HDD.
  11. Depending on the initial quality of the pic you can also hold CTRL and use the mouse wheel up/down as you would to make text on a webpage bigger/smaller. But like I said it depends on the initial quality of the image :)
  12. Never a truer word spoken when it comes to MS and their latest OS and what not
  13. You should be able to access the DVD through exploring the disk in my computer - its rewritable so there should be no problems, cutting and pasting the files off it.
  14. So not only does it start from the kickoff - it carries all the way through - and then you will have issues uninstalling it :D So why didnt you follow our earlier advice lol
  15. You will soon tire of the 'issues' within IE8
  16. Ah yes - I forgot you were a 'local' not league of gentlemen before anyone says anything :D
  17. I'll give this a wide berth for now :D
  18. The Nvidia 4 is a chipset driver - it controls your ethernet ports and other things too. If you have disabled it - thats bad as its not fixing the problem, you need to get you MOBO disk out or goto Nvidia.com and get the latest Chipset driver for your motherboard. Its an easy fix - chances are yours is corrupt.
  19. I will keep my eyes peeled then lol DirtyPolo also has a Quad and is more than capable of helping you out, should anything go 'not as predicted' :)
  20. Bitdefender is good but I find it cumbersome like Norton.
  21. Hi and welcome to FPCH :)
  22. its hard to tell whats holding the cover on mate, without seeing it. In regards to the pin being faulty - if its wobbling about - its shorting and when it shorts that is what will be stopping the lappy booting
  23. Right - forget the exterder route (no jokes please :D) - its not needed go into your network settings and it will show the 360 as a device - just right click on it and enable and you will get a green tick on the xbox and voila - I once spent ages messing with the setup the exterder options - its a joke thats not needed I will post an exact step by step later as I am not at home
  24. I wouldnt just that far yet as to start messing with the registry. CAB files are basically just like zip files and are compressed You may be having an issue with your DVD/CD reader/writer, if its not reading all of the disk and accessing alot then it may be missing files. You can try and put the files onto the HDD,but again you rely on the optical drive to read the files - I would get a new optical fitted they are only about £12 and a DIY job - will take you literally 3 minutes to install it have a look at my building photos
  25. Personally I only use Scan, Microdirect as they are just down the road from me and Aria as they are too. Aria stock alot of older stock Scan stock all the mainstream stuff and Microdirect have lots of offers on :) and Quiet PC for any specialist stuff
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