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Dalo Harkin

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Everything posted by Dalo Harkin

  1. Back in the day this was an awesome card :D
  2. There isnt much you can do really, beyond basics. Watch what websites you go on. Use a good AV and Firewall or suite. Be very careful about what programs you install if you dont know what they do. Other than that not much to do :)
  3. BeeCeeBee is right, we need more info - the fact that its freezing could be anything. Is the PC a bought one or a custom build? Freezing can be related to internet settings, RAM, GPU, CPU, MOBO drivers. We need more to go on, the only thing that helps at the moment is the blue screen. Stating Hardware or Software so have you installed any new hardware? have you installed any new software?
  4. May want to have a read of this people:- Intel and Nvidia go to war | News | Custom PC
  5. Very good indeed - next time I do a build (next week sometime, I will add some here and in my build section :))
  6. When you removed the Nvidia GPU - it should not work right away, you should have to re enable the Onboard GPU from within the BIOS - this is on the assumption you ever disabled it in the first place and therein may lie your problem. Or it could be:- If the fan is not spinning on the card then it could be the wire that connects the fan to the card is not seated properly. The bearings in the fan are shot (the fans are easy to replace on GPUs) Or the GPU is dead
  7. It can be done Bob, but I could not find any free versions.
  8. Budget please...... and then I will have a look around. You need to consider that you are somewhat limited in terms of OS for those programs - last time I looked CAD didnt support 64 bit OS's
  9. What CPU and what MOBO are you using?
  10. It can also be the other way round - some games dont support Vista - older ones especially - check on the back of the game cases and it will tell you what OS the games can be played on
  11. Right - its either bad RAM or a BIOS settings problem - have you been trying to Overclock? You can test the RAM by removing one of the modules, if it still does it try the other RAM stick etc. If that does NOT work pop the CMOS battery out, wait 30 seconds and then install it again (obviously do this with the PC off :eek:) You will LOSE all the settings in the BIOS, but this wont be a problem unless you have RAID or something set up
  12. The error you stated is not good at all and would definately point to the HDD or a currupt install in my opinion
  13. Hi and welcome to FPCH :)
  14. Hi and welcome to FPCH :)
  15. There are versions of SAGE that can do this - also Microsoft CRM :)
  16. Ok what exactly did you do the before this was happening? If you look inside the PC when you turn it on, do the fans spin? if they do then it sounds like a graphics issue - pop the add in Nvidia card out and see if the onboard works.
  17. I'm not normally one for scenery and flowers, but yes very nice indeed.
  18. As you already suspected there is always the possibility this information could be used in the wrong way, so I am sorry we cannot be of assistance.
  19. You need to call DABS and go mental - I do feel that they have hidden the entry to the BIOS as you cannot completely remove it. F2 and F3 are generally to get into the BIOS on Vaio's, but you need to tell DABS that you are 'not very happy at all'
  20. Hi and welcome to FPCH :)
  21. Hi Citrus, Can you let me know what type of games you plan on using or do you just want a price on the best value for money that'll play everything now. Also let me know what OS you want/will be using. and let me know if you need a case,monitor, keyboard, speakers etc including in the spec. With the above info - I will search my memory banks and come straight back to you
  22. Different beep codes mean different things on different BIOS' If you can find the MOBO manual it will tell you exactly what the fault codes are. Failing that have a look on the actual MOBO and let us know the make ie ASUS, Gigabyte and we can tell you what BIOS it uses. And what the fault code relates to
  23. Hi and welcome to FPCH :)
  24. Hi and welcome to FPCH :)
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