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Everything posted by KenB

  1. It may be easier to ask them to register here and continue with this thread :) I have a feeling that the memory stick has been corrupted or died. There are a couple of pieces of software that we can try - but I wouldn't hold my breath. [ For the benefit of others reading - anything that you value should be saved in at least 2 different places ( hard drive / memory stick / DVD ) ]
  2. Hi Steve and welcome to ExTS I have added "Vista Home Premium" to your profile info - if this is incorrect you can change it later :) Do you get a connection after this with the Vista machine ? Do you know if you have "Obtain IP Address and DNS Address" set to automatic on this machine ?
  3. Not sure what you are trying to do - but found this on-line WordArt. click here Example: [ Various possibilities ] DO NOT click on the "Download" ....the generator is at the bottom of the page and is totally on-line ....nothing to download.
  4. Hi Ask your daughter to try the memory stick in another computer to see if she gets the same error. You say it was used as "backup" ....... do we assume that the files are saved onto the hard drive too ?
  5. Nice Nev - and not a bit of rust that needs welding :)
  6. If you discover what you used in the past I am sure folks here would be interested to know how you did it :)
  7. Hi Nev is our resident expert on all things sound and video. He should be along later. In the mean time - can you let us know the make and model number of your computer please ? Also ....( assuming XP ) Start > Run ....type in .......devmgmt.msc ......ENTER Click on the + next to Display Adapters .... Are there any yellow exclamation marks ? ,
  8. I remember my first VHS recorder cost £350 or there about - it was EXPENSIVE !! ( This was about 25 years ( or more ) ago :) )
  9. Here you go Nev .... http://s3.amazonaws.com/values-your-billboards/40714/small/Depositphotos_3855266_M.jpg
  10. I have just done a search for "video rental" near my home. There are still lots of places I can get a dvd or video for rental ( I can't remember when we last did this ???? ) It will come our way eventually :)
  11. Hi Matt I located this that may be of interest: click here This is related to the data transfer rate. You may think that getting the 300 Mb/s would be the obvious option - but unless your router can cope with that sort of speed then there is no advantage. These are also optimum speeds and you are likely to get nothing like the implied 150 or 300 Mb/s The idea of having an external antenna is supposed to increase reception. There is another option ( just to add to the confusion ) You can get a PCIe version. This is fitted internally into a PCIe slot on your motherboard. ( this assumes that you have the appropriate slot on the m/board ) I prefer this type. click here for example
  12. That would seem to be the obvious answer :) Good to hear it is up and running again :)
  13. Hi Matt That is good news. No you are not. You needed advice - that is why you posted :) Are you using just one module now ? You may find that your machine is a bit slow - depends on the value ( GB ) of the module that you have in. It is possible to buy another to replace the defective one if you wish. They are not all the same and you would need to have a look at the label for the details. Ask for further assistance if you wish.
  14. Thanks for posting this Seedy21. It seems to me that Microsoft - by withdrawing support - are trying to force people to upgrade from a perfectly good OS. Regarding this specific problem: There are some steps that you can take as a precaution against it. Don't run as administrator all the time. That way, if you do get attacked, you limit the extent of your exposure. Be cautious of unsolicited attachments. Make sure your anti-virus is updating frequently and correctly to maximise your protection. Try out the Fix it unless you are certain in advance that it will get in the way. ( quoted from the article ) There is a "Fix-It" click here Also there is a registry tweek: ( set the following registry key as below ) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Gdiplus\DisableTIFFCodec = 1
  15. Hi Ray Nice to see you again - at least your problem is not too serious :) Have you tried this: ( I am assuming that this will be OK for XP ) Click Start, point to Settings, point to Control Panel, and then click Internet Options. Click the Content tab, click AutoComplete, and then click to clear the Web addresses check box. Click OK, and then click OK.
  16. 5teve - this thread is nearly 5 years old :) I doubt that the people who initially contributed would be interested in adding anything more.
  17. Hi again If it WAS WordArt ..... this is definitely part of MS Office - Word Take a look here: click here
  18. Hi Jim We will help where we can - no problem :)
  19. Hi and welcome to ExTS Firstly - don't be too hard on the kittens .... I don't think they are responsible for this particular problem :) I have come across this before and it has turned out to be one of the RAM modules. Do the following: Shut the pc down and switch off at the wall. Take the side panel off the machine - you may need a cross-head screwdriver to remove 2 or 3 screws on the back panel. Touch the bare metal chassis to discharge any static in you. Locate the RAM modules and remove both ( could be more than 2 ) Clean the copper contacts with a pencil eraser. Put just one RAM module back in. ( leave the side panel off still ) Switch on. If it doesn't boot up - switch off and repeat the process. Swap the RAM module for the other one. The white locking levers need to be pushed outwards to release the RAM module. ( see pic ) http://support.lenovo.com/ContentResources/Migrated%20Assets/pc/support/site_wss/d20_ram3.gif Putting them back is simple. Just locate them in the slot and press down firmly on one end - then the other. The locking levers will come up into position and lock on without you touching them.
  20. Hi vyruz Good to hear that Starbuck has fixed your major problem for you :) Start > type in .....devmgmt.msc .....ENTER Click the > next to each of the entries. Are there any yellow exclamation marks or red Xs ? If so - let me know what is listed please. =========== Let me know the make and model number of your computer please ===========
  21. Thanks for that well-informed addition wellies :)
  22. Hi HBE You have obviously read my rant :) The banner popped up again today - but this time it did have an option button "Remind me Later" - which was a big improvement on the original. I couldn't find anything that said "I don't want it !! " From my point of view there have been too many problems with this update. I know some here have upgraded without a hitch but I prefer to wait until MS get their act together. From what some say - there is no obvious difference ..... other than a start button which Win 8 doesn't have. You need somebody from here who has upgraded to 8.1 without problems to explain the benefits. It may be beneficial to create an image of your hard drive with Win 8 OS then if you have problems with 8.1 you can revert back to exactly as Win 8 was before.
  23. Hi Take a look here: click here This will scan your system and tell you if what you have will be able to run Win7 Make sure you click on the "Details" and other buttons first before downloading :) Let us know the results.
  24. As far as I know "WordArt" is part of MS Office and is an element of "Word" itself. Do you have MS Office installed ?
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