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Everything posted by KenB

  1. Hi, Do the speed test here and post the results: ( wait for the "Begin Test" button to appear ) click here Is this the offer? http://store.virginmedia.com/broadband/compare-broadband/60mb.html You rarely get anywhere near what they advertise as "......maximum" for various reasons.
  2. I have to agree with maynardvdm - it does sound like something getting hot. Download Speccy from here: click here If you run it when playing the games that cause the problem it will give you temperatures. Make a note of these and post with your next reply.
  3. Let's know how you get on - no doubt we will be able to offer one or two other suggestions :)
  4. Good brands: Crucial / Corsair / G-Skill / Kingston At least the thought was there :)
  5. I have never bought used RAM - depends how much they are being sold for. If they are cheap enough it may be worth taking a chance - but I doubt that they will come with any guarantee.
  6. Hi and welcome to ExTS I assume that you have seen this ? click here Is there anything in the link that you need help with ?
  7. I suppose you could look at it this way - but technically Virtual Memory is not RAM. Let us know the results of adding new RAM. :) There are different specifications - the scan will give you the spec that you need.
  8. Hi Alan Good to hear that you managed to get it going again :)
  9. Hi, Not sure why the formatting in your first post was showing the codes ?? Do you have the original XP installation CD - not recovery disks ? ============ You could try putting the HDD back in the XP machine and do the following: Switch on ..........tap F8 and get to the Advanced Startup Options. Select Safe Mode - Command Prompt. At the prompt type .......%systemroot%\system32\restore\rstrui.exe ............ENTER This should start System Restore. Select a date prior to the start of the problem. Files / data will be OK
  10. Hi and welcome to ExTS Switch on ....constantly tap F8 about once per second ...........select Safe Mode with Command Prompt from the list of options. At the prompt type in .....rstrui.exe ............ENTER This will launch System Restore. Follow the screen prompts and select a date just prior to the start of your problem. Files / data / photos will be fine.
  11. I have edited your post and removed the break codes. Just reply normally using the Reply to Thread button:)
  12. You could do this on another Vista / Win7 machine by using a HDD to USB adapter. Connect it up - go to Disk Management
  13. No problem - at least it was a simple fix :)
  14. Hi Zoe Hi BeeCeeBee - our posts nearly coincided :) Yes - 2GB Max. You have 2 x 512MB at the moment so - if you chose to - these could be replaced with 2 x 1GB. You should see the difference. (you would need to refer to the scan result for the RAM spec ) Virtual Memory is not RAM. As the name implies - it is created. It uses the Hard Drive to assist the RAM. You would think that would give you limitless "RAM" - but there are problems using a Paging File ( Virtual Memory ) that is too big. It has the reverse effect and actually slows the system down because the Hard Drive transfers data at a significantly slower rate than the RAM itself. Is the OS Vista? This should run well on 2GB We can look at cleaning up the system if you wish ? Deleting temporary files / disk cleanup / check Page File size etc etc. If it is 5 years old it could be full of clutter.
  15. Hi The most likely cause is the CMOS battery as this is used to maintain the BIOS settings when the power is removed. You can get one almost anywhere. Check - but I think they are CR2032 - available from supermarkets / motor-factors / jewellers. I recently bought 12 on Amazon for less than £3 !
  16. Hi Zoe The amount of RAM that you can put in is governed by the motherboard ( mainboard ). 2GB does seem low as most recent 32 bit Operating Systems ( I assume yours is 32 bit ?) will accept 4GB. Use the Crucial Scan. click here It will analyse your system and tell you what type of RAM you have and how much more you can add. As a double check - post the make and model number of your laptop and I will take a look.
  17. That PSU is 630 Watts - more than enough for that card. You don't need anything better.
  18. It could be that the DHCP pool provided by the Cisco is too small. Without the manual I have no way of getting you to check. ( Need the model number ) How many machines do you have on the network ? Have you tried switching all machines off. Re-boot the Cisco. Switch on ONLY the problem machine. Does it have a connection now ?
  19. You don't say if you replaced the fuse ? If the fuse is OK and there are no LEds lit / fans rotating / other signs of life then it does look as if your PSU has completely died. Do you have another that you can try ? failing that - do you have a volt meter ?
  20. Test the fuse in the plug and report back. If the fuse is ok - try another device in the socket to see if that is working.
  21. I can't see that a Video Card requiring 400Watts ( and this is on maximum load ) will - on booting up - damage the PSU. You didn't answer this: With the side panel off - when you switch on - do the fans rotate ? Is there any signs of life at all ? If not - check the fuse in the wall plug.
  22. Hi and welcome to ExTS Does the Win7 Upgrade say "Family Pack" on the disk? If it does then you are licensed to install it on 3 separate machines. If it doesn't then It is one upgrade on one machine. To upgrade another machine you would need to purchase another Upgrade Disk.
  23. You are very welcome. If it wasn't showing up in Revo then it must have been running direct from the file itself. By deleting that you should have removed the problem. Glad that it worked for you :)
  24. Hi and welcome to ExTS I have split your post from that other thread and added a link to it for reference :) I don't think so. That card has an additional power connection ( 12v - 6 pin I think ) Have you connected this ? In answer to your other question: A Startech 450Watt should be enough as the minimal requirement for that card is 400Watt ======== If you have connected the extra power connection to the card - try taking it out and put the old one back in. See if it boots up now.
  25. Hi I am not familiar with Cisco phones. Start > Control Panel > Internet Options Click on the "Connection" tab - is "Never Dial a Connection" checked? ( I think it should be as this is only used for Dial Up ) =============== Which model of Cisco Phone do you have ? =============== Is the IP Address and DNS Address allocated automatically or is it static ? (I would check the box for automatic assign ) see here
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