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Dalo Harkin

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Everything posted by Dalo Harkin

  1. It depends on the type of RAID you are running:- Raid 0 - Striping is much faster. (Performance) Raid 1 - Mirroring is slightly slower. (Backup) And unless you have a 64 bit OS then the 4GB of RAM will not be doing you any favours as the timings are slower with 4GB than they are with 2GB ;) * I personally would not run a defrag on RAID disks *
  2. Unfortunately if there is a specific problem with your type of HDD, go to the manufacturers website and download their Vista Driver anyway and try installing it with the drive unplugged and then try it. Whats the make of the HDD and I will have a look and see what I can find for you.
  3. No if you cannot get access with either then the problem lies with your settings for the network or firewall
  4. *Dalo hides in the corner rocking like an escaped patient* :D
  5. but she is soooooooooooooooooo far away I mean she doesn't visit the UK does she :eek:
  6. Ok steps to reinstall:- 1 -restart pc - when BIOS screen come us press (F3 or F8 to access BIOS, it will say which on the screen) 2 -when in the BIOS there is a boot sequence menu... you want the 1st one to be CDROM (should have been HDD previous) 3 - set the 2nd 3rd 4th to disable SAVE and EXIT BIOS and then when the BIOS is booting up again it should say 'press any key to load from boot device' that should then be it and then you need to choose the drive and go through the motions of loading the OS. Have you checked in windows that the CDROM is working?? (if on a tower PC and you have more than one CDROM - remove the slave one via the cable and load from the master)
  7. ATI HD4850 in my opinion is the best card at the moment £140 and rivals the 9800GTX and is not far behind the NEW 280GTX (280GTX is £400 ish)
  8. You missed the ** before Ore mate ROFL :D
  9. lol they are awesome Wolfey :D:D:D
  10. Lol - on a serious note though Norton is NOT a very good software suite - AVAST is a better FREE version but this is ONLY for Antivirus. If you need a complete suite have a look at Windows Live OneCare itsa around £30 for the year but you can use it on up to 3 pc's within your circle (house)
  11. I would do the reinstall and THEN install the service packs - until SP3 is more stable I would not create a disk using the NLITE method. What was the reason you wanted to do a repair in the first place??
  12. You can also try moving the memory to another slot - some MOBO's are very picky about what RAM goes in which slot. Try it in one of the others and see what happens
  13. Ok do you mean a system restore of a system repair - restore you do from windows and repair you do as you described - if doing a repair you need to set the first boot device in the BIOS to CDROM
  14. AOL is renowned for hogging resources - you can try and get rid of some of the 'background' tasks that they install on your system, in msconfig and then startup
  15. Yes - I use it more for gaming though :D and the 3rd is the side of it and inside is all custom by me.
  16. sounds like you have an intermitten problem with your connection - have you tried using IE when this happens to see if that one works - if IE works then the problem is with the settings of firefox or the firewall. if it doesnt then the problem is with the network.
  17. As Maynard has said it will work - what capacity HDD do you have as XP requires much more than ME
  18. Lol - I forgot it was a 2600 Pro (bit early in the morn for me yet :p) take it that you game on just one of those screens??
  19. Sorry mate whats the Graphics card - the 800Mhz refers to the speed of the RAM
  20. I am surprised that you can play games on those screens with the amount of RAM you have - what GPU do you have in there>?
  21. Goku - get him to completely remove the GC driver using the utility on the manufacturers website NVIDIA/ATI and then start the PC - it will be at a much smaller res - see if the same problem occurs
  22. Glad it's all sorted (touch wood) :) A future recommendation when you buy RAM try and get a good brand like OCZ or CORSAIR - I would say as you have tested that there may be a problem with one of the RAM slots - or that the RAM slot may not take the size you installed.
  23. You could also use a print hub - basically just makes the printer so you can see it wirelessly - some have it built in. and you just search for it like a network - connect and away you go
  24. Just looked on their website - saw this:- http://ec.transcendusa.com/images/details_table_feature_head.gifVoltage: 1.8 Vhttp://ec.transcendusa.com/images/details_table_feature_head.gifCL: 6 <<< :confused: I know of no memory that runs 6-6-6-guessing 18 and then 42 or 52 refresh. You could try the above and see what happens - of it runs slow (guessing it will) revert back
  25. Ok - try the 2GB kit on its own in slots 1 and 3 please - then run a game that normally crashes and post back please
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