I added the IE8 bing/MSN optimization to my OLD Windows XP to see if it would stabilize a problem with blue screen stop/dumps; it might have, but - absurdly -
it is causing freezes in MSN, Hotmail and Bing searches. This is a 2002 Dell 1150 Pro, SP3; the same problem exists in a 2002 Dell 1100 Windows XP Home SP3, after optimization to Bing/MSN. I no longer save files on my computers; one has had 3 hard
drive fail, another was a computer replaced under waranty by the vendor. I don't want to do clean Reinstalls of the System, but I do have the disks if I have to. I've seen a lot of complaints about the Optimization package;
MS should offer an Optimized IE8 Removal Tool in FixIts - or warn off older XPs.
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